Friday, June 23, 2017

Berachos Bechina


A few years ago I made a “berachos bechina” for the 10th grade as a way to help remember the gemara for the mesechta bechina and to serve as a fun review after your day with whatever chazara you did in the beis medrash. B'ezras Hashem I will post a few sheets up each day so it does not become a big burden at once.

Disclaimer: I have never seen nor taken a mechina mesechta bechina so I have no idea what is focused on or how long they are. This “bechina” does not focus on any specific theme or type of material in the gemara. In fact it even contains many questions which asks on what you may call “minor details”. For this reason it is normal and expected that you will see some questions that you may not know the answer to or fully remember.

There are many types of questions that I put on: Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, “T F or M”, matching, and charts. There could easily be typos as well as genuine mistakes I made as I was writing it. If you do find mistakes I would really appreciate it if you could write down on a separate piece of paper the question number and what the correction should be so I could fix it for the future. Please do not write on the sheets themselves though.

A couple of notes:
1.      If you find my sheets stressing you out too much, just ignore them and do chazara in the way that best fits you, there is no “one size fits all”.
2.      There are a lot of things you may find weird about the sheets. Most were done on purpose.
3.      A number in parenthesis after a question represents how many answers are “required”. This does not necessarily mean that those were the only answers in the Gemara there may be more.
4.      T F or M stands for True, False, or Machlokes
5.      There are some questions which are based on Tosfos. I tried to mark these clearly, but may have mis-marked a few. There are a lot more in the first part of the bechina and then there are fewer and fewer as it goes along. I know some of you do Tosfos in shiur and a lot of you don't. I have no idea what the percentages are nor which Tosfos your rabbeim did, nor if they are even asked on masechta bechinas. So I apologize in advance if they bother you.
6.      I tried to leave accurate spacing and lines to help you determine the type of answer and a hint as to how long it should be, but do not take it too literally.
7.      An (*) after a question could mean a variety of things. You should take it to mean: “Think twice!” That is pretty much true for all the *'s but it could be that some are just random snowflakes that fell onto the pages.
8.      Please do not ask for personal copies of the bechina. This is the only one and this is where it will be.
9.      I hope you enjoy and wish all of you much hatzlacha on your chazara and bechina!

Berachos bechina - Daniel Listhaus
1st Perek
דף ב
1.      What is the source to read קריאת שמע twice a day מדאורייתא?_______________________
2.      From when could one be יוצא one's חייב of  קריאת שמע by night (according to our mishna)?____________________   Until when?...
         According to R' Eliezer?__________________________________________________
         According to the חכמים?_________________________________________________
         According to Raban Gamliel?______________________________________________
3.      Explain the Nekudas HaMachlokes between R' Eliezer vs.  חכמים/ Raban Gamliel?

4.      What did Rabban Gamliel tell his children when they came back late? ____________________ 'Aye', how could he tell them to do something that is only da'as yachid (Rabban Gamliel) against the rabbim (Chachomim)? _________________________________________________

5.      According to Rashi, if one recites  קריאת שמע too early, what must he repeat?

6.      What are תוס' ד"ה מאימתי questions on this? What does Tosfos answer? Explain.

7.      Give 3 (of 5) examples of a “כל הנאכלין ליום אחד?
      a.                                                   b.                                               c.
8.      Why did the  חכמים say “עד חצות?”_________________________________________
9.      Why does the first Mishna deal with  קריאת שמע בערבין? Shouldn't it start dealing with קריאת שמע בשחרית?l(2)
10.  Why didn't our mishna just say “מצאת הכוכבים?

11.  Why did the mishna have to teach the din ofכפרה לא מעכבא if we have already learned it elsewhere? (Tosfos)
12.  What are the two ways to learn the passuk of “ובא השמש וטהרaccording to Rashi?
            What about according to Tosfos?

13.  Now shlug-up one of the ways?___________________________________________________

14.  Translate: “ואף על פי שאין ראיה לדבר זכר לדבר"

15.  What is the  זכר לדבר?
16.  Fill in the corresponding numbers in the correct boxes from earliest time to latest time according to the מסקנת הגמרא:
1.      (R' Meir) - Time when Kohanim who were tamei go to mikveh
2.      (R' Achai/Acha) - The time when people eat their dinner during the week
3.      צאת הכוכבים
4.      (R' Eliezer) - Time that people are Mekadesh Shabbos
5.      (R' Chanina) - Time that poor people eat their bread and salt
6.      (R' Meir #2) - The time that people come to eat their Friday night meal
7.      שקיעה
8.      (R' Yehoshua) - Time that Kohanim (who were tamei) could eat terumah
9.      (R' Yehuda) – Time when Kohanim who were tamei go to mikva

Note: Not drawn to scale

17.  All of the above opinions were brought down as a machlokes regarding___________________

18.  Explain the machlokes between R' Yehuda and R' Yose regarding bein hashmashos?

19.  Answer the contradiction between this R' Eliezer and the one in our mishna? (2)
דף ג
20.  (a)How many משמרות are there according to R' Eliezer? (b)Why didn't he just give the שיעור in terms of hours?

21.  What does Hashem do by each משמר? (E.C. What is the source?) And what does HE say?

22.  What are סימנים בארעא of the different משמרות?

23.  Draw lines dividing the way R' Eliezer explains when the סימנים בארעא take place:

Text Box: 1st MishmorText Box: 2nd MishmorText Box: 3rd MishmorAccording to first answer in the Gemara:

According to second answer in the Gemara:
Text Box: 1st Mishmor
Text Box: 2nd Mishmor Text Box: 3rd Mishmor

24.  According to the second answer, why is a siman needed at the end of the third mishmor? It is morning!?____________________________________________________________________
'Aye', but R' Eliezer on :דף ט says that one can't say kriyas Shema until שיכר בין תכילת לכרתי which is later than amud hashachar? (Tosfos)

25.  What three halachos did R' Yose learn from Eliyahu HaNavi?

26.  What is the tefillah k'tzarah?

27.  Fill in the chart:
Three Reasons Not To Enter a  חורבה:
Exception to the exception:



28.  Circle the correct answers to complete the sentence:
            a. There are (three  /  four) watches in the night according to ( Rebbe  /  R' Nosson).
            b. There are (three  /  four) watches in the night according to ( Rebbe  /  R' Nosson)

29.  Explain: אחת מן התיכונה שבתיכונות?____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
30.  Fill in the blanks: ______    _______    _______  אין אומרין בפני המת אלא; and explain (2)?

31.  What does נשף mean?

32.  When do each of the four winds blow?

33.  How did Dovid Hamelech know when חצות was?

34.  Translate and explain: אין הבור מתמלא מחוליתו: ___________________________________
According to Rashi:
According to Rabbeinu Tam:
According to the R”i:

דף ד
35.  Another name for the Urim V'tumim is _____________________________________________
36.  Why did Moshe Rabbeinu say "כחצות?
(Extra Credit) 3. (Tosfos)
37.  How was Dovid Hamelech better than other kings? (2)

38.  Why was Ishboshes called Mephiboshes?
39.  Another name for Daniel was_________ because ____________________________________
40.  Where in אז ישיר is there a reference to two “enterings”?
41.  What were the chochomim protecting against when they said to only say kriyas Shema until chatzos?______________________________________________________________________
42.  What should a person do if he comes back from work and it is almost time to say קריאת שמע?

43.  a. What is the punishment that the Gemara says for one who transgresses the words of the Chachoimim here?_____________________________________________________________ b. Why here more than other places?    1.___________________; 2.______________________
44.  Explain the Machlokes between R' Yochanan and R' Yehoshua ben Levi regarding the order of when to say Shema in relation to Shemoneh Esreh? (2)

45.  Ask a question on R' Yochanan:

46.  Answer it:

47.  What about now-a-days that we say ...ברוך ה' ….יראו עיננו? (Tosfos)(2)

48.  Two ways to be a “Ben Olam Habbah” ____________________   ;   _____________________
49.  What is special about Ashrei?

50.  Why is there no line beginning with a “ נin Ashrei?

51.  Circle the correct answers to complete the sentence:
גדול מה שנאמר ב... (מיכאל / גבריאל) ממה שנאמר ב... (מיכאל / גבריאל)  גחגח                       
52.  Fill in the rest of the chart:

Name of מלאך
Number of Steps/Flights


מלאך המות

מלאך המות בשעת מגפה

דף ה
53.  Everyone should repeat________________________in bed before going to sleep, except for a ______________ who only needs to say/repeat ______________________________________ because______________________________________________________________________.

54.  To beat the יצר הרע, one should _______________________. If that doesn't work one should ______________________, and if that doesn't work then one should ____________________.
55.  All of Torah she'ba'al peh and Torah she'b'chsav was given to B'nei Yisroel at Har Sinai. Where do we see this from the passuk of     … ואתנה לך את
1.       לוחות האבן =
2.       והתורה =
3.       והמצוה =
4.       אשר כתבתי =
5.       להורותם =

56.    _____  _____  ____  ____  _____ אמר רבי יצחק: כל הקורא קריאת שמע על מטתו כאילו אוחז
57.  If a person sees יסורין coming on him and he searched himself and couldn't find a cause, one should assume they are because of _____________. If it isn't, then they must be____________.
58.  What is the reward for one who accepts יסורין with love?(2)

59.  הקב"ה gave three מתנות טובות to the בני ישראל: ______________, ______________, and _______________, but only through יסורין.
60.  One who was עוסק בתורה וגמילת חסדים and buried his son is _______________________.
61.  Who holds that נגעים ובנים אינן יסורין של אהבה? ____________And explain his statement:

62.  Translate and explain:  אין חבוש מתיר עצמו מבית האסורים.

63.  Why did Rav Huna's 400 barrels of wine turn to vinegar? And what happened when Rav Huna declared that he would correct his mistake? (2)

64.  Circle the correct answer: (כל הנותן מטתו בין צפון לדרום הויין בנים (זכרים / נקבים

(Extra Credit) T F or M: A person should not learn until he says kriyas Shema and davens Shemoneh Esreh?

65.  If two people entered a shul together to daven and one guy finishes first, he should________ otherwise... 1.________________________________and 2.__________________________.
דף ו
66.  Each person has __________ sheidim on his left and ___________ sheidim on his right.
67.  List three of the four examples that Rava tells us are caused by sheidim.
1.__________________2._________________3.__________________ [(E.C.)4._________________]
68.  Fill in the line:_________________אין תפילה של אדם נשמעת אלא ב.
69.  Fill in blanks with T F or M: The shechina is with 10 people when davening?_____What about with 3 שיושבין בדין?____What about 2 who are learning?_____ What about even one?_____
a. If so, why not just bring the passuk by one and I'll know by 2?______________________
Extra Credit: Explain. (Tosfos)___________________________________________
                  b. So why need to say it by 3?__________________________________________________
                  c. Why by 10?______________________________________________________________
70.  What is written on Hashem's tefillin?
71.  Who takes “attendance” in the בית הכנסת?
72.  Which of the avos do we see had a מקום קבועה?__________________________How do you know?_______________________________________________________________________
73.  T F or M: It is assur to take פסיעה גסה on Shabbos. Unless___________________________.
74.  What is a כרום?
75.  A person should be extra זהיר by which tefillah? ______________________________because ____________________________________________________________________________.
76.  כל אדם שיש בו יראת שמים ___________   ___________ץ
77.  The entire world was created for ___________. How do you know?______________________.
78.  A person who doesn't say “שלוםback to one who said it to him is called a _______________.
דף ז
79.  What Tefilah does Hashem say? (Extra Credit: Who else said a similar Tefilah?)

80.  When does Hashem get angry each day and how long does it last for?

81.  Who knew the time that Hashem would get angry? _________. (Extra Credit: What would he have said in such little time? [Tosfos])___________.
82.  Translate: טובה מרדות אחת בלבו של אדם יותר מכמה/ממאה מלקיות:

83.  What three things did Moshe ask of Hashem?
            1.                                                         2.                                             3.
84.  T F or M: HaShem granted all three requests to Moshe?
85.  Fill in the Chart:
Type of Person
גמרא הוא אמינא
גמרא מסקנא
צדיק וטוב לו

צדיק ורע לו

רשע וטוב לו

רשע ורע לו

86.  Translate and Explain: כשרציתי לא רצית עכשיו שאתה רוצה איני רוצה.

87.  Who was the first person to declare Hashem as the אדון?
88.  Who was the first one to be הודה to Hashem?
89.  How do we know that a name is a cause for things that happen in the future?

90.  Why would Dovid Ha'melech compose a מזמור while running away from אבשלום?

91.  T F or M: גדולה שמושה של תורה יותר מלמודה
92.  Why didn't Rav Nachman go to Shul? What did R' Yitzchak say he should do instead?

דף ח
93.  How does Hashem view those who areעוסק בתורה וגמילות חסדים?

94.  Whoever doesn't daven with the ציבור (when available) is called a ______________________.
95.  What advice did R' Yehoshua Ben Levi give his sons to live a long life?

96.  Translate and Explain: אמר רב חסדא: לעולם יכנס אדם שני פתחים בבית הכנסת.
97.  The passuk in Tehillim says, “על זאת יתפלל כל חסיד אליך לעת מצא. What is “מצאreferring to? Match up the names with their respected opinions...
R' Chanina-                                                                 1. Torah
R' Nosson-                                                                  2. Burial
R' Nachman Bar Yitzchak-                                          3. Wife
R' Yochanan-                                                               4. Easy and Pleasant Death                
Mar Zutra-                                                                   5. Bathroom Nearby
98.  How many types of death are there? What is the remez to this?
99.  What is אסכרא?
100.  What is נשיקה?
101.    Why did Mar Zutra say that מצא refers to a place near a bathroom? Why would one need an actual bathroom more than a hole in the ground?

102.    What was the מילי מעלייתא said over from Rav Chisda?

103.    Abaye used to daven at home and learn in shul until_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
104.    When did Shlomo Ha'melech marry בת פרעה?
105.    When shouldn't one live in the same place as his Rebbe?
106.    Who does “עזבי ה' יכחלוrefer to?
107.    What is the reward for one who does שמו"ת?
108.    When did Rav Bibi Bar Abaye try to finish שמו"ת by?
109.    Explain the passuk: ועניתם את נפשותיכם בתשעה לחדש בערב.

110.    What 3 things did Rava tell his sons?
1.                                                         2.                                                         3.
111.     Why did Rava tell his sons not to cut meat with their hands? (2)

112.    A person cannot pass behind a shul while the ציבור is davening there unless...(2)

113.    From where in the Gemara do you see that walls have ears? Explain.

דף ט
114.    Why did the sons of Raban Gamliel have to ask what the halacha was when they got back from the Beis Hamishteh? Didn't they know what the רבנן held?
115.     T F or M: The קרבן פסח could only be eaten until חצות?
116.     What are קדשי קלים?
117.  Explain “אהיה אשר אהיה.
118.  Explain what Eliyahu Ha'navi was saying to Hashem by “ענני ה' ענני.

119.  When is the latest time to read קריאת שמע בשחרית?

120.  Explain בין תכלת לכרתי?
121.  Fill in the chart:
When is earliest time to sayקריאת שמע בשחרית? When could tell the difference between...
Tanna Kamma

R' Meir
בין זאב לכלב
R' Eliezer (Mishna)

R' Akiva
בין חמור לערוד
a domesticated camel and a wild one

122.  Who are theותיקין? When do they daven Shema? Shemoneh Esreh?

123.  T F or M: A person should not only run to greet מלכי ישראל, but even  מלכי עכו"ם?
124.  How could one ever be Somech Geulah L'tefillah if one has to recite “Hashem Sifasi Tiftach...” first? (3)

125.  When did Dovid Ha'melech start writing “Hallelukah” in Tehillim?
דף י
126.  Who were the בריוני in R' Meir's town?
127.  How do we know to darshon- סמוכין in the Torah?
128.  Explain the passuk: “אין קדוש כה' כי אין בלתך ואין צור כאלקינו.

129.  What were the 6 things that Chizkayahu did? Which did the Rabanan agree with and which not?

130.  How did the אשה שונמי know that Elisha was Holy?
131.  From where do we see that one should daven from a low place?
132.  Why do we put our feet together for Shemoneh Esrei?
133.  What is the famous machlokes between Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai as to how to read Shema and what are their sources?

דף יא
134.  Circle the correct choice to complete the sentence:
        One who is marrying a בתולה does / does not have an obligation to recite Shema.
        One who is marrying an אלמנה does / does not have an obligation to recite Shema.

135.  There are ___________ berachos before Kriyas Shema in the morning and __________ after.
136.  There are ___________ berachos before Kriyas Shema in the evening and __________ after.

137.  When does one make a bracha? (Put a check or “x” in the appropriate boxes)

Rav Huna

R' Elazar

R' Yochanan


דף יב
138.  Why didn't the Rabanan establish to say the עשרת הדברות with Kriyas Shema?

139.  If someone takes a cup of wine thinking it is beer, and has in mind “שהכל" in the beginning of the beracha but ends the beracha with בורא פרי הגפן he is יוצא / לא יוצא because _________ _____________________________________________________________________________
140.  What are the two possible צדדים in the Gemara if one has a cup of beer and thought it was wine and starts the ברוך אתה ה by thinking  הגפן but ends with שהכל?

141.  Bring a proof to one of the צדדים.

142.  According to the Gemara, if a person made a Hamotzee on dates he'd be  יוצא / לא יוצא because _____________________________________________________________________.
143.  By Shemoneh Esreh, one should bow while he says __________________ and straighten up by _____________________. [Extra Credit: What's the source]_____________________________
144.  How did Rav Sheishis used to bow and straighten up?
145.  T F or M: If a person says הא-ל הקדוש during  עשרת ימי תשובה he is not  יוצא.

146.  “___________________כל שאפשר לו לבקש רחמים על חבירו ואינו מבקש נקרא.
147.  Why is the parsha of tzitzis in Kriyas Shema?
148.  למען תזכור את יום צאתך מארץ מצרים כל ימי חייך- When  is  there  an  obligation  of זכר יצאת מצרים?

דף יג
149.  T F or M: Whoever calls Avraham – Avram is עובר on a לא תעשה?
150.  T F or M: Whoever calls Sarah – Sarai is עובר on a לא תעשה? (Think before you answer)

2nd Perek
151.  If one was reading the Torah (kriyas Shema) and it came time to read Shema and he had כוונה, he would be יצא / לא יצא. 'Aye', but he never said birkas kriyas shema? (Tosfos)

152.  (Tosfos) When could someone be קורא בתורה והגיע זמן המקרא אם כון לבו and still not be יוצא?

153.  Define “ובאמצע? (E.C- Tosfos)

154.  Fill in the chart with either: כבוד,  יראה  or “any reason”


R' Meir

R' Yehudah

155.  How does Rashi define מפני היראה?_______________Why is this a chiddush?____________ _____________________________________________________________________________
156.  T F or M: Between ויאמר and אמת ויציב is a Bein Ha'perakim?
157.   a. Why is “והיהbefore “ויאמר? (*i2)
         b. 'Aye', but doesn't ויאמר deal with מצוות זכירת יציאת מצרים which isn't just during the day?
158.  a. What would be a proof from from our mishna that מצוות צריכת כוונה?_________________
  b. Why isn't this a good proof? Explain. ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What about according to Tosfos?___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
159.  What is learned from the words   שמע , והיו, and הדברים  



160.  What is the machlokes between R' Akiva and R' Eliezer regarding when one should have כוונה for kriyas Shema?

1st Paragraph
2nd Paragraph
What is used with the left over דרשה?
כוונה / קריעה or Both
How do you know?
כוונה / קריעה or Both
How do you know?

R' Zutra

R' Yoshia

162.  __________   __________   __________   __________ סומכוס אומר כל המאריך באחד 
163.  T F or M: A person should not prolong the ח in אחד?
164.  When saying  אחד one should think about:
                     =ד                                           p=ח                                                      d=א
165.  (Tosfos) What does the gemara mean when it says “בעמידה?__________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
166.  What was the “Kriyas Shema of R' Yehuda Hanasi”?
167.  When was R' Yehuda Ha'nasi מקבל על מלכות שמים?
168.  T F or M: R' Yehuda Ha'nasi would go back and complete Shema after שיעור?
169.  When did Rebbe fulfill מצוות זכירת יציאת מצרים? (i2)

170.  Circle the correct one: If one falls asleep after saying the first line of Shema he is (not יוצא / יוצא).
171.  What was the name of Rav Nachman's servant:(a) Darro (b) Mildred (c )Bob (d) Antignous?___
172.  Fill in the blanks: If saying Shema in bed one should be__________________________ unless one is  ____________ like R' Yochanan, in which case one could still be yotzei while__________ ________________just as one could _______________ in this position.
173.  What is the problem with saying kriyas Shema on one's side or back?_____________________
174.  How many times a year do we say Hallel?____ When are they?__________________________
175.  According to Tosfos, who do we pasken like in the machlokes between R' Meir and R' Yehuda?________________. Could one interrupt in the middle of kriyas Shema in order to answer kadish or kedusha?_____ What about Shemoneh Esreh?_____
דף יד
176.  T F or M: If one could interrupt for Kriyas Shema, then could also interrupt in the middle of Hallel and Mikrah Megillah which are מדרבנן even though there is Parsumei Nisah. But only if___________________________.
177.  According to our Gemara, one (could / could not) have a “taste” on a fast day? (Extra Credit: Explain according to Tosfos:_____________________________________________________.)
178.  According to our Gemara, one (does / does not) make a Bracha on a “taste”.
179.  What is called a “taste” (טעם)?
180.  According to Tosfos (ד”ה-או), what type of fast is our Gemara dealing with? ______________.
181.  According  to  Rav,  one  who  greets  a  friend  before  davening  shemoneh  esreh  is  like  he built a _____________.
182.  Prove that the above is only if a person specifically gets up early to greet someone by his door?

183.  Whoever sleeps 7 days without having a dream is called _______________.
184.  What was the amazing teaching that Rav Yosef heard from Rav Shmuel Bar Yehuda?

185.  Circle all that apply:
שמע= ללמוד   וללמד    ולעשות
והיה= ללמוד   וללמד    ולעשות
ויאמר= ללמוד   וללמד    ולעשות
186.  Why did Rav put Tefillin on after Shema?
187.  ______________________________ אמר עולא כל הקורא קריאת שמע בלא תפילין כאלו
_______________________________ אמר ר' חייא בר אבא אמר ר' יוחנן כאלו
דף טו
188.  T F or M: If one does not have water, one could clean one's hands on wood, pebbles, or dust.
189.  Fill in the chart: What is halachah by these by Shema:

Don't hear yourself
Not מדקדק
הקורא למפרע
קרא וטעה
R' Yehudah

R' Yose

190.  What did Rav Ovadiah learn from “ולמדתם" and what are some examples?

191.  T F or M: גיהנם is cooled down for those who are careful in pronouncing each letter of shema?
דף טז
192.  Explain סרכיה נקט ואתי?

193.  Who could say Shema on a tree?
194.  Circle the correct choices: Workers (could / could not) say Shema; (could / could not) say (long / short) version of Shemoneh Esreh; (could / could not) make המוציא on bread; (could / could not) eat bread; (could / could not) say two brachos of bentching unless_______________.
195.  What is the specific reason why a Chosson marrying a Besulah is Patur from Shema? ________   _______
196.  Why did Raban Gamliel wash when his wife died even though he was an אבל?

197.  Why was Raban Gamliel מקבל תנחומין on his slave (טבי)?
198.  T F or M: A Chosson may say shema if he wants?
דף יז
199.  Why didn't anyone used to greet Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai?_________________________
200.  נשים במאי זכיין?

201.  Fill in the machlokes between Rabban Shimon Gamliel and Rabanan in the hava amina:

חתן saying Shema?
Not working on Tisha B'av in a place where usually work?


            (b) What is the nekudas hamachlokes in this hava amina?

            (c)a What are 2 answers the gemara gives?

            (d)a What is the nekudas hamachlokes according to the 2nd answer?

3rd Perek
202.  "מי שמתו מוטל לפניו" is regarding which possible dead relatives?

203.  Who are the חלופיהן?____________________________________________

204.  Our mishna says "מי שמתו מוטל לפניו" the דיוק from that can't be...
____________________ because _________________________________________________
nor ____________________ because _________________________________________________.
rather the דיוק is _________________________. Explain __________________________________
205.  What is the דין if there are two שומרים:
                     If on land _______________________________________________________________
                     If on a boat ______________________________________________________________
What is the nekudas ha'machlokes on the boat?_______________________________________
206.  Should the אבל say kriyas shema when he comes back from the cemetery?

דף יח
207.  How must one travel if traveling with bones?______________________________________ What about a Sefer Torah?__________________________
208.  What is סיפרא דבי רב שמג and when did Benayahu learn it?

209.  How do you know that when people die they could relate what they knew on Earth to the רוחות of the dead?

210.  Who is מלאך דומה?
211.  Why was Shmuel's deceased father (Abba bar Abba avuha d'Shmuel) both laughing and crying?

212.  Where had he put the money of the orphans? Why did he put it there?

דף יט
213.  If you see a Talmid Chochum doing an Aveirah at night________________________________.
214.  When would Beis Din put a large stone on a coffin?___________________________________.
215.  What did תודוס איש רומי institute?
216.  ______________________________________________ המוצא כלאים בבגדו
217.  Why?

218.  What type of Tumah is בית הפרס?
219.  Why should one run to see Jewish and Non-Jewish kings?

220.  (According to מסקנת הגמרא): __________________________a גדול כבוד הבריות שדוחה
221.  'Aye', but isn't that also מדאורייתא?
222.  Circle the correct choice:  (אסורא ממונא (ילפינן  /  לא ילפינן
דף כ
223.  Why is it that by the time of Rav Yehudah there were ניסים but by the later Amorayim- Abaye and Rav Papa, there weren't?
224.  Why did R' Yochanan used to sit outside the woman's mikvah?

225.  What is the חידוש of our Mishnah that women are פטור in Shema and Tefillin? Isn't that obvious since these are מצות עשה שהזמן גרמא?

226.  T F or M: Women are obligated inקידוש – מדאורייתא?
227.  What is the case where someone who is only obligated in bentching מדרבנן could be מוציא an adult man in bentching?
228.  How does a בעל קרי say Shema and Brachos? (Machlokes)

229.  Why should he think of shema  if הרהור לאו כדיבור דמי?

דף כא
230.  What's the difference between קריאת שמע/ברכת המזון and תפילה?

231.  What is the source in the Torah to bentch?
232.  Where is the source to say ברכת התורה (לפניה) י?
233.  If one is unsure if said Shema does he have to say it again according to Abaye? 'Aye' but it saysובשכבך ובקומיך ?

234.  If one accidentally says שמונה עשרה של חול on שבת, and realizes in the middle of a ברכה, he should ____________________________________________________________________?
235.  __________________כל דבר שבקדושה לא יהא פחות מ
236.  How do we know? Explain Clearly.

237.  T F or M: A person could interrupt his Shemoneh Esreh to answer ...יהא שמיה?
238.  אפילו מאן דלא דריש סמוכים בכל התורה ב__________    __________ דריש
         **Extra Credit: 'Aye' but the Gemara on .י has a passuk?

דף כב
239.  Why did R' Yehuda immerse himself in the river when he was a  בעל קרי to teach דרך ארץ? Doesn't he himself hold that a בעל קרי is allowed to learn דרך ארץ while tamei?

240.  The world holds of the קולות of...
        רבי אלעאי regarding ________________________ that ______________________________.
         רבי יאשיה regarding ________________________ that ______________________________.
         רבי יהודה בן בתירא regarding ____________________ that _________________________.

241.  What קולא by  בעל קרי was whispered from Nachum Ish Gam Zu to Ben-Azzai?

242.  Who was מתקן – טבילה for בעל קרי?
243.  Someone who was davening shemoneh esreh and realized he's a  בעל קרי should __________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

דף כג
244.  Who would take the Tefillin which were left in the holes by the bathroom? (2)______________ ______________________. What about by the windows?_______________________________

212.5. Are you getting tired of all these question?
245.  Circle all the items below that one cannot hold while davening:
     Laptop                       Gloves                        Torah                              Paper
     Baseball Hat              Loaf of Bread            Closed Water Bottle       Siddur
     Rubberband Ball       Cell Phone                 Earbud Headphones       Knife
     Cup of Water              Pencil                        Plate of Food                  Football
     Tefillin                        Money                       Pencil Sharpener            Bowling Ball
Extra Credit: Put a * by the ones listed in the Gemara.
246.  A person who takes his Tefillin off to eat, should put them back on by____________________.
247.  Could Tefillin and money be wrapped in the same cloth?
דף כד
248.  A woman's hair is considered_____________________________________________________.
249.  What did Rebbe do during davening? 1___________2__________3___________4__________ 5__________.
250.  What did Rebbe do when he yawned?______________________________________________
דף כה
251.  What should one do if accidentally went into a bathroom with tefillin?
252.  Explain the נקודת המחלוקת between Rav Huna and Rav Chisdah regarding whether one can say Shema with צואה on one's body?_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
253.  How far must one move away from a ריח רע שיש לו עיקר?

254.  What is an example of a ריח רע שאין לו עיקר ?

  Extra Credit: What does Tosfos have to say on the subject?

255.  Are you allowed to learn by such a smell? What about saying shema?

256.  __________   __________   __________ פי חזיר
257.  Could one say shema if there's a ספק צואה?_______What about by a ספק מי רגלים?______
258.  How can you test for צואה כחרס?

259.  ירד לטבול אם יכול לעלות... עד שלא תהא הנץ החמה- Who can our Mishnah be like?

260.  How could our Mishnah say that one should cover himself with the water and say Shema, isn't that לבו רועה את הערוה?

261.  Fill in the chart with either an 'X' or a “Check”:

עקבו נוגע ערוה
עקבו רואה את הערוה


262.  Why is צואה בעששית different than ערוה בעששית?

263.  Why would I think that it would be מותר to daven in front of an undressed עכו"ם?

264.   How much water needs to be poured on מי רגלים in order to say Shema nearby? Explain Clearly.

265.  What isלבוד?

266.  Who did Rav Achai's son marry?
דף כו
267.  When does a person have to move away from צואה at a distance of מלא עיניו?

268.  What was special about Persian Bathrooms?

4th Perek
269.  Fill in the z'manim:

Tanna Kamma

R' Yehudah

270.  What is our Mishna talking about, can't one daven all day long?

271.  What is the חקירה that the Gemara  asks regarding one who misses Mincha?

272.  Is there תשלומין of תפלה even if the next  תפלה will be a completely different Shemoneh Esreh (such as Chol to Shabbos, etc.)?
273.  Who was מתקן the תפילות?

274.  Bring a proof to each side:














Fill in the boxes to show Mincha Gedolah, Mincha K'tana, and Plag Hamincha:




276.  What did R'Yehudah mean by פלג המנחה?
277.  Explain clearly the מחלוקת between ר' יוסי בר' חנינא and ר' יהושע בן לוי according to the מסקנת הגמרא?

דף כז
278.  Explain clearly what the Gemara's problem was if R' Yehuda meant עד ועד בכלל?

279.  Explain clearly what the Gemara's problem was if R' Yehuda meant  עד ולא עד בכלל?

280.  What does the Gemara answer?

281.  What five things was ר' יהודה בן בבא העיד on?

282.  What מסכתא is referred to as “בחירותא?________________________________________
283.  Explain the פסוק: וחם השמש ונמס
            (a) According to Tanna Kama:

            (b) According to R' Yehuda:

284.  Who do we פסקן like regarding זמן המנחה?
285.  List three things which are גורם לשכינה שתסתלק מישראל (the Gemara lists five in total):
                    1.                                                         2.                                             3.                   
286.  How do you know that ר' ירמיה בר אבא was equal to רב?
287.  What was the case in the Gemara where a whole shul davened Ma'ariv on Friday night and accepted Shabbos, yet were allowed to do work afterwards?
288.  The תנא of our Mishnah holds that Ma'ariv is ( optional  /  mandatory ). As is evident from the לשון he uses of __________  _________ _________. We פסקן like רבא that Ma'ariv is ( optional  /  mandatory ), but the מנהג ישראל is to always make sure to say it.
          Extra Credit: What do we not do during Ma'ariv because we פסקן that it is a רשות?
289.  Who argued a couple of times with רבן גמליאל הנשיא who רבן גמליאל הנשיא would then give a very hard time to? _________________________________________________________
290.  Who did the Chochomim ask to take over  רבן גמליאל as ריש מתיבתא?_________________
291.  Who were the “אנשי ביתיof ר' אלעזר בן עזריה?___________________________________
דף כח
292.  How many rows of hair in ר' אלעזר בן עזריה's beard turned white?
293.  How many benches did ר' אלעזר בן עזריה add to the Beis Medrash?*
294.  Explain כל דפריש מרובא פריש?

295.  What was the compromise between ר' אלעזר בן עזריה and רבן גמליאל over the position of נשיא?
296.  Why didn't the Chochomim just “fire” ר' אלעזר בן עזריה?
297.  Who was the Talmid who started the whole incident between רבן גמליאל and ר' יהושע?

298.  Explain clearly the נקודת המחלוקת between R' Yehuda and the Rabbanan regarding if it is now זמן מנחה and זמן מוסף , which one to say first?

299.  We פסקן like _________ that תדיר.
300.  What does “נוגי" mean?
301.  What תפילה did ר' נחוניא בן הקנה say before entering the בית מדרש?

302.  What תפילה did ר' נחוניא בן הקנה say when leaving the בית מדרש?

303.  What advice did R' Eliezer give his Talmidim when they asked him for
 אורחות חיים ונזכה בהן לחיי העולם הבא? (List 2 out of 4):                 

304.  Who came to be לוה the מת of ר' יוחנן בן זכאי?
305.  What should you do if davening but don't know which way is מזרח?
306.  What do the 18 ברכות of שמונה עשרה correspond to?
307.  What ברכה was added to שמונה עשרה?
308.  Where was it added (which city)?
דף כט
309.  How long did חזרת השץ take when שמואל הקטן was davening for the עמוד and forgot how the ברכה of ולמלשינים went?
310.  Why didn't they throw שמואל הקטן out if usually we would if someone messes up thatברכה
because we are concerned that he may himself be someone included in thatברכה against them?
        (a) According to הוא אמינא in the Gemara?
      (b) According to מסקנת הגמרא?
311.   How many Brachos are there in שבת שחרית שמונה עשרה and what do they correspond to?

312.  How many Brachos are there in ראש השנה מוסף שמונה עשרה and what do they correspond to?
313.  How many Brachos were added to שמונה עשרה on certain תענית's? What did they correspond to?
314.  How many Brachos are in a מעין שמונה עשרה?
315.  Explain what R' Eliezer in the Mishna meant by “העושה תפילתו קבע? A(4)

316.  מאי פרשת העבור?

317.  What does “המלך בקונך וצאrefer to?
דף ל
318.  What is (are) the difference(s) between הביננו and תפילה קצרה?

319.  Which way should one face while davening שמונה עשרה if he is is...
        (a) America                                         (d) China
      (b)Northern Israel                                 (e) You have no idea where you are
                    (c )Southern Israel
320.  What is the  נקודת המחלוקת between the one holds that should daven שמונה עשרה before traveling and say Shema later at the right time and the one who holds that say both Shema and שמונה עשרה later while traveling?

321.  What does ר' אלעזר בן עזריה hold regarding saying Mussaf in a city with at least 10 people?
                    (a) According to Tanna Kamma in the Mishna:

                    (b)According to R' Yehudah in the Mishna:

322.  How many shuls were there in טבריא?
323.  Where did ר' אמי and ר' אסי daven?
324.  If someone needs to repeat שמונה עשרה, how much time must he wait בין תפלה לתפלה?

325.  Why if someone misses יעלה ויבא at night on Rosh Chodesh does he not have to repeat שמונה עשרה?

5th Perek
326.  Our Mishna: ___________    ____________ אין עומדין להתפלל אלא מתוך
327.  How long would the “Chasidim HaRishonim” wait before davening Shemoneh Esreh?________ Why?
328.  What is the source given in the Gemara for the din of #294?

329.  Why were Rabbah and R' Yirmiyah so happy that they were wearing Tefillin?

דף לא
330.  What song did Rav Hamnuna Zuti sing to the Rabbanan by the wedding? And what should be the response?

331.  How do you know that it is אסור לאדם שימלא שחוק פיו בעולם הזה?

332.  What is an example of a הלכה פסוקה? (Give 1 of 3)

333.  __________    _______   _____________  אין עומדין להתפלל לא מתוך... אלא מתוך
334.  How should one be יפטר אדם מחבירו?               
335.  T  F  M: The palm trees in Bavel were around since Adam HaRishon?
336.  Explain.

337.  R' Akiva used to daven a (long / short) Shemoneh Esreh because of ______________________.
338.  T  F  M: A person should daven in a room full of windows?
339.  What Halachos do we learn from Channah (Shmuel HaNavi's mother)?
340.   _______  _______חושד את חבירו בדבר שאין בו ש_______  _______ ולא עוד אלא ש
341.  What was Channah's plan if HaShem wouldn't answer her tefillah, according to the hava-amina of the gemara?

342.  Explain what זרע אנשים meant in reference to Channah?

343.  What are three בדקי מיתה of women?

344.  It is אסור to sit within  א  ב  ג  ד)  אמות ) of one davening Shemoneh Esreh.
345.  What was the Halacha that Shmuel told עלי , as a youngster?

346.  What punishment did עלי hold that Shmuel deserved for saying a P'sak Halacha before him?

347.  What was Moshe telling HaShem by “די זהב?

דף לב
348.  Bring one of the Mosholim that the Gemara brings (1 of 3)?

349.  What is אחילו?
350.  When would Rava make a fast day?__________________Why?_________________________
351.  ___________  ______________   ___________  _____________  כל המאריך בתפילתו
352.  Explain: כל המאריך בתפילתו ומעיין בה?

353.  What will happen to one who is מעיין בה? _________________________________________
354.  What should one do if his Tefillah is not answered?___________________________________
355.  What are the four things which are צריכין חיזוק?_________  _________  ________  ________
356.  Could one interrupt Shemoneh Esreh for a non-Jewish king?
357.  Bring a proof against that?

358.  Answer it.

דף לג
359.  What was the argument that the Chassid told the שר-the general?

360.  What's the difference between a snake and a scorpion? When are they the same?

361.  How far should one move from a שור תם?___________What about a שור מועד?___________
362.  Explain the expression: סליק לאגרא ושרי דרגא מתותך?

Extra Credit: What's my question on this?
363.  Who honks the Dodge's horns during Nissan [excuse the puns ;-)]?
364.  An ערוד is a hybrid of a ______________ and a ______________.
365.  How did R' Chanina ben Dosa prove that it is not the ערוד that kills, but rather the חלא that kills?

366.  In which Bracha do we mention rain?______________ Why?
367.  In which Bracha do we ask for rain?_______________ Why?
368.  T  F  M: We say Havdallah in the Bracha of חונן הדעת?
369.  Explain the Machlokes?

370.  Fill in the blanks: ___________  ___________  __________ כל מי שאין בו דעה
371.  Does someone who said Havdallah in davening have to say it again על הכוס?

372.  What if already said Havdallah על הכוס, does he have to say it in davening?
373.  When one makes a ברכה שאינה צריכה, one is עובר on ______________________________
374.  Do we make Havdallah on Motzei Shabbos if Yom Tov falls out on Motzei Shabbos?

375.  What are the three things the Mishna says that we would be משתקין אותו and what are the reasons?
1. ______________________________-
2. ______________________________-
3. ______________________________-
376.  Fill in the blanks: __________ __________ __________ _________כל האומר שמע שמע כ
377.  Ask a question on #344.
378.  Answer it.

379.  'Aye', but maybe the first time he did not have the right כוונה?

דף לד
380.  Someone who takes over someone else in davening should start where?
381.  Someone who does not at first decline an offer to daven for the Tzibbur is compared to a _______________ and if he refuses too many times he is like a __________________. Rather, one should decline ____ times and go when asked the ___ time.
382.  What are the three things bad if have too much, but good if have a little? _________, _________, and __________.
383.  According to Rav Huna, if one made a mistake in...
                      a. the first three berachos of shemoneh esreh, one must ___________________________
                      b. the middle of shemoneh esreh, one should ___________________________________
                      c. one of the last three berachos, one should ____________________________________              
            But Rav Assi argues and by ( a / b / c ) and rather holds ________________________________

384.  Who holds the record for the longest davening? ___________How long was it?_____________
385.  Who davened a very short davening? _____________ Who was he davening for?___________
386.  When do we bow down by shemoneh esreh?

387.  T F M : A regular person could bow at the end of each Beracha if he wants to?
388.  A Kohen Gadol bows at the (beginning  /  end) of each Beracha?
389.  A king bows at the (beginning / end) of each Beracha?
390.  What doesקידה mean?
391.  What does השתחואה mean?
392.  How would Rava and Abaye say Tachanun?
393.  Name three places where we give thanks to HaShem? ___________ __________ ___________
394.  How would Rav Chanina ben Dosa know when he was davening for sick people who would live and who would die?

395.  ...המתפלל וטעהwhich part of shemoneh esreh does this refer to?
396.  ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ מקום שבעלי תשובה עומדין
397.  Prove that Eden and Gan Eden are two different places?

398.  R' Yochanan ben Zakkai compared himself to a (servant before the King / officer of the King ) while comparing R' Chanina ben Dosa to a (servant before the King / officer of the King ).
399.  From who do we know to daven in a place with windows?
400.  What two types of people did Rav Kahana view as a מחוצף?
6th Perek
דף לה
401.  T F M: On יקרות the Bracha is בורא פרי האדמה?
402.  Explain the difference between נטע רביעי and כרם רביעי?

403.  Explain the term "צד מזבח"?

404.  What is the problem with learning the source to make Brachos on all foods, from the שבעת המינין?
405.  At the end of the day, what is the source for Brachos? Explain.

406.  ___________ כל הנהנה מן העולם הזה בלא ברכה
407.  Why is going to a Chochom a takanah (fix-up) for #374?

408.  Answer theסתירה in Pesukim which R' Levi brought?

409.  Who is referred to as a “mother”? _________________________________________________
410.  What do we learn from “ואספת דגנך?
411.  What was a difference between the earlier generations and later generations?

412.  When is Tevel subject to Ma'aser?
413.  T F or M: Wine is אשתני לעלויא?
414.  If water and salt are the only things not called מזון, why is that a problem with Rav & Shmuel who hold to make a Mezonos on the חמשת מינין?

415.  What's the difference between wine and oil?
416.  One who eats oil of Terumah has to pay back ________________________________________
417.  _________  ______  _________  _________ ______  _________כל שהוא עיקר ועמו טפלה
418.  What is the difference between אניגרון (beats) and אכסיגרון (any cooked vegetable)?

דף לו
419.  Prove that you do not make a Bracha on medicine?

420.  T F or M: If eat a part of a plant which the farmer did not mean to be eaten, you have to make a Bracha?
421.  __________  __________  __________  __________ כל המיקל בארץ
422.  Is צלף a bush (vegetable) or a tree (fruit)?

423.  What is the Halacha regarding a ספק ערלה?

424.  What is called a “שומר לפרי"...
          According to הוא אמינא #1-
      According to הוא אמינא #2-
      According to הוא אמינא #3-

425.  T F or M: Eretz Yisroel is not missing anything?
426.  What is the Bracha on דייסא?

427.  What about  דייסא כעין חביץ קדרה?

428.  Explain the Machlokes.

429.  Explain why we need Rav and Shmuel to teach their Halacha by …כל שיש and ...כל שהוא?

דף לז
430.  R' Yochanan ben Nuri says that אורז is ________  ________  ________ and therefore one who eats it on Pesach ( is  / is not ) חייב כרת. But the Rabanan hold _________________________.
431.  Who holds of the Bracha: בורא מיני דשאים? ______________________________________.
432.  What is the Bracha Achronah for the seven species?

433.  ________________יחיד ורבים הלכה כ
434.  Translate פרורין:
435.  Explain:בבא מלחם גדול

436.  What is טריתא?

דף לח
437.  When does shape make a נפקא מינה if Patur or Chayiv in Challah?

438.  What Bracha do we make on דובשא דתמרי? _______________________________________ Why?
439.  T F or M: The Bracha bread is המוציא לחם מן הארץ? We פסקן ______________________.
440.  Why didn't the son of R' Zevid say המוציא? ________________________________________
441.  What Bracha do we make on cooked vegetables?

442.  Who is “רבינו?
443.  Who is “רבותינו היורדין מארץ ישראל?
444.  Could one use cooked Marrur by Pesach? Why or why not?

דף לט
445.  What was the difference in opinion between the two students of בר קפרא?

446.  ___________________________________ are good for the heart, eyes, and digestive system if  _____________________________________________________________________________.
447.  When is one בוצע one's bread?___________________________________________________. We hold that __________________________________________________________________.
448.  What is more חשוב- ½ a large onion or a complete small onion?
449.  Why on Pesach does one put the broken Matza under the whole Matza before Hamotzee?

450.  Why do we have two breads on Shabbos?

451.  Where do you see someone using food from one mitzva for a second mitzva?

דף מ
452.  Could one speak between making Hamotzee and eating bread?
453.  It is (  מותר  /  אסור  ) to eat before feeding your animal?
454.  How do you know?

455.  Why didn't Rava bar Shmuel wait for the salt if he himself holds that one cannot make the Bracha until have salt ready?

456.  ____________אחר כל אכילתך אכול____________ ואחר כל שתייתך שתה
457.  What is dangerous to smell but healthy to eat?
458.  If one makes Ha'adamah on a fruit, one is (  יוצא  / לא יוצא  )
459.  If one makes Ha'eitz on vegatables, one is (  יוצא  / לא יוצא  )
460.  If one makes a She'hakol on fruit, one is (  יוצא  / לא יוצא  )
461.  What tree did אדם eat from?
Type of Tree?
R' Meir

R' Nechemyah

R' Yehuda

462.  What is the גדר of saying Ha'eitz?

463.  T F or M: In the gemara, one is יוצא saying she'hakol on bread and wine?
464.  What is the Nekudas Hamachlokes according to the הוא אמינא of our Gemara?

465.  Show that the הוא אמינא isn't מוכרך?

466.  ____________  ____________ כל ברכה שאין בה הזכרת השם
467.  Is one יוצא bentching in any language?
468.  What is the difference between כל ברכה שאין בה הזכרת השם and
כל ברכה שאין בה מלכות?

469.  What Bracha do we make on grasshoppers?

470.  What is a מין קללה and what Bracha do you make on it?

471.  If have many types of food, what do you make a Bracha on first?

472.  How are mushrooms different different from other types of vegetables?

473.  What would be the wording of a נדר which would make you אסור to eat mushrooms (without specifying the word “mushroom” in the נדר)?

474.  מאי נובלות?

475.  What is דמאי?

דף מא
476.  Explain the machlokes in our Mishna between R' Yehuda and Rabanan? What are their reasons?

477.  What are the שיעורים learned from the פסוק of the שבעת המינים which Rav Yochanan said?
שבעת המינים:
  שיעורים learned out from the שבעת המינים:

Where does the other מאן דאמר know these שיעורים from?

478.  Explain, using the פסוק of the שבעת המינים, why we cover the bread on Friday night?

479.   ______ ______ ______דאמר רבי חייא: פס פוטרת ______ ______ ______ , ויין פוטר
480.  Food which comes as part of the סעודה during the סעודה (does  /  does not ) require a Bracha?
481.  Food which does not come as part of the סעודה during the סעודה (does  /  does not ) require a Bracha? Explain.

דף מב
482.  How many פס הבא בכיסניןs did  Rav Huna eat? ______
483.  What was Rav Yehuda referring to by “ציצי?
484.  What is the סתם דעת by the ריש גלותא's table (or whenever you are a guest at a table)?

485.  Analogy: ___________:גאולה:תפילה::תלמידי חכמים
486.  What is a Nekudas Hamachlokes in how you ate the meal – sitting or leaning?

487.  Why should it only be on Shabbos and Yom Tov that the Bracha on wine before the meal Patur's for after the meal?

488.  Are Beis Shammai arguing in the רישא or סיפא of the mishna on :מב.-מב?

489.  Who was buried nearby the נהר דנק?_____________________
דף מג
490.  When is sitting like reclining?

491.  The Mishna says that if reclined, one makes a Bracha for everyone...what are two reasons?

492.  Ask a question on each?

493.  Answer each.

494.  כיצד סדר הסיבה?

495.  Explain the concept of “אין בית הבליעה פנויand what does it do?

496.  Who washes מים אחרונים first?
497.  Name one thing that make a בורא עצי בשמים on?
498.  What is the source that make a Bracha over a scent?
499.  Explain אבוקה כשנים וירח כשלשה?

500.  Are those numbers including the person himself or not? How do you know?

501.  Better for a person to throw himself into a fiery furnace than to__________________________.
502.  From where do you know that?

503.  Explain the machlokes between Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai as to which Bracha on first – שמן or הדס?

504.  Who was the מכריעה in that Machlokes?
505.  What are six (seven) things which are a גנאי to Talmidei Chachomim?

506.  Qualify three of the above?

507.  פסיעה גסה takes away _______________ of one's vision. One can “undo” this by ____________________________________________________________________________. Extra Credit: The Mishna Berura says that looking at the Neiros on shabbos undoes the damage to the eyesight. What is the reason he gives that connects the two?
דף מד
508.  What is the rule of our Mishna regarding עיקר וטפל?

509.  What type of fruit would people eat a lot of?
510.  What would R'Yochanan swear after he ate all the fruit?

511.  Who had more Tuna Fish than Ner Israel?
512.  __________________ _________________ כל סעודה שאין בה מלח
513.  __________________ _________________  כל סעודה שאין בה שריף
514.  What is the Beracha Achrona on the seven species?

515.  What is the nekudas ha-machlokes?

516.  T F or M: The Bracha of מעין שלש for שבעת המינים is different in חוץ לארץ than in ארץ ישראל?

517.  T F or M: (According to the gemara) we make a בורא נפשות on water?
518.  T F or M: (According to the gemara) we make a  בורא נפשות on an egg?
519.  What is something that we only make a bracha before on?
520.  אוי לו לבית שה_______ עוברת בתוכו
521.  How many hours does it take for the smell of vegetables to leave a person's mouth?

522.  Why did Rava eat לפתא (turnips) if the gemara says that it is bad for one's health?

523.  When should one not eat small salted fish? (besides for when they are not kosher)

7th Perek
דף מה
524.  ________________  ________________ שלשה שאכלו כאחת
525.  Could a non-jew count for zimun?
526.  What is the minimum amount one must eat to join zimun?
527.  What is the source that three people make a zimun? Explain Clearly.

528.  How do we know that one who answers אמן should not say it louder than the one making the Bracha?
529.  Could two people make a zimun?

530.  Bring a proof to one of the sides and then answer it?

531.  Who is the one who holds that two people cannot make a zimun?
532.  Why can't nine people make a zimun with שם השם, they look like ten people?

533.  Could you prove from the story with Rav Papa that two people should interrupt their meal to make zimun with one person?
534.  T F or M: אין זימון למפרע
535.  What does a person do if by a zimun but he didn't eat? Explain Clearly.

536.  Should one say Amen after one's own Bracha? *
537.  T F or M: The Bracha of הטוב והמטיב is דאורייתא?
דף מו
538.  What promise did R' Avahu accept on himself when R' Zeira became sick?

539.  Who ended up making Hamotzee by the meal? _______________ Who ended up leading the zimun? ___________________
540.  R' Avahu held like _________________ who says that the _________________ is בוצע and the _______________ leads the zimun. [Extra Credit: If so, why did he originally ask R' Zeira to be בוצע?]
541.  If one interrupts one's meal to be יוצא in zimun, from where does he start bentching from when he finishes his meal?

542.  How do you know that Persians know sign language?

543.  Who should wash מים ראשונים first?
544.  What about מים אחרונים?
545.  When will the most important person not wash מים אחרונים last?

דף מז
546.  Why did the Ravin go ahead of Abaye while traveling?

547.  What did Ravin mean when he said “we only give כבוד by a פתח with a מזוזה?

548.  ____________ _____________ אין המסובין רשאין לאכול כלום עד
549.  _______ ______ _______ _______ אין הבוצע רשאי לבצוע עד or ________ _______ _____
550.  _______ _______ _______ כל העונה אמן יותר מדאי
551.  What is it and what is its punishment:
      a. אמן חטופה?__________________________________Punishment=____________________
      b.אמן קטופה?__________________________________Punishment=____________________
      c.אמן יתומה?___________________________________Punishment=____________________
552.  Who bentches- the greatest one or the one who was there for most (or all) of the meal?

553.  Why could someone who ate דמאי be counted for zimun?
554.  Isn't it obvious that if took תרומה and מעשר ראשון that he should count for zimun, he didn't do anything wrong?

555.  What is חומש and is it מעכב?
556.  T F or M: A שמש that ate a כזית is called קבע and be counted in zimun?
557.  Why could a כותי be counted in zimun?
558.  What is an “עם הארץ?
R' Eliezer

R' Yehoshua


R' Nosson

R' Nosson bar Yosef


559.  What is an example of טבל מדרבנן?

560.  How could one mess up in redeeming Ma'aser Sheni?

561.  What's the חידוש in teaching that a worker who ate less than a כזית cannot join in zimun?

562.  When could a baby join in zimun?
563.  Is there a mitzva to keep a non-Jewish slave forever? ______ If yes, when is there not?________
דף מח
564.  Where does HaShem “live”?

565.  Who was Shimon ben Shatach's sister?
566.  Who wrote...
      a. הזן?_________________________
      b. 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of bentching? _____________________________
      c.בונה ירושלים? ______________________
      d. הטוב והמטב? ______________________
567.  What is the source for bentching, in the Torah?
568.  What is the source for zimun, in the Torah?
569.  How do you know that women like to talk?
570.  What is the עיקר part of bentching that if forget will make you not fulfill bentching?

דף מט
571.  Could one make a bracha with a double חתימה? What is the exception?

572.  Does one have to go back if forgot יעלה ויבא in bentching?
573.  What was wrong with Rav Chisda holding like רב חננאל אמר רב that one is יוצא bentching even if didn't say מלכות, תורה, or ברית?

574.   Does Boneh Yerushalayim needשם מלכות?
575.  Why does it have it then? (2)

576.  If one forgets to add in bentching one of the תפלות we say (such as רצה, יעלה ויבא, etc.) is there a way to make it up?
577.  If one forgot יעלה ויבא, why would there be a difference if forgot it in bentching or davening?

578.  What sizes do R' Meir and R' Yehuda each give in the Mishna to determine what size is needed to join in מזומן?

579.  What is the סתירה?

580.  Answer the סתירה? (i2)

581.  Why does the one making מזומן say in the 3rd person: “Let us bentch” ?

דף נ
582.  T F or M: If eat with six people, three cannot split off to make their own zimun?
583.  Circle the correct one according to the מסקנא of the gemara?
                    a. מטובו חיינו
                    b. בטובו חיים
                    c. מטובו חיים
                    d. בטובו חיינו
                    e. מטובל קין 
584.  What is wrong with saying “למי שאכלנו משלו?

585.  How do you know that 1090 = 10?

586.  Who had a noisy table?________________ How do you know?__________________________
587.  ___________ אין זימון 
588.  Who did Rava call a “פתיא אוכמא? And why did he call him that?

589.  Three cannot split until _______ and ten cannot split until ________.
590.  T F or M: We say Borei P'ri Hagafen on undiluted wine?
591.  What is the חידוש of our Mishna when it teaches about not splitting? (3)

592.  Bring a proof to the last one in #559?

593.  When could two groups who cannot see each other join in zimun?


Type of wine
What Bracha?
Use for Netilas Yadayim? (Yes or No)

R' Eliezer




595.  Who holds one could use food for things other than eating?
596.  ארבעה דברים נאמרו בפת... I 1.                                                     2.
                                                3.                                                     4.
597.  Does #564 apply only to bread or other foods as well?*

598.  What should one do if put food in mouth and then realize that forgot a Bracha? (give examples)

דף נא
599.  Should one be chewing gum while davening even if all the flavor is out and he doesn't even realize he is chewing it anymore? Why?

600.  If one forgot to make a Bracha should one go back and make a Bracha before continuing to eat more?
601.  ששה  דברים נאמרו באספרגוס...

602.  When should one spit in front of a king?
603.  What are three things which R' Yishmael ben Elisha learned from סוריאל שר הפנים?

604.  What three things did R' Yehoshua ben Levi learn fromמלאך המות? What should one do if finds himself in the last position?

605.  What are the four of ten halachos regarding כוס של ברכה which R' Yochanan says we do?
Extra Credit: What are the other six?

606.  What is the difference between washing and rinsing?

607.  What is the reward for one who bentches on a full cup? (2)

608.  What is the source for lifting the cup up a Tefach off the ground?

609.  What was Rav Nachman's wife's name? Why did she get upset? And what did she do?

610.  What is a כוס של פורעניות?

611.  How should one bentch if ate while...
        1. Walking?
                        2. Standing?
                        3. Reclining?
8th Perek

612.  Fill in the chart:
What would Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai each say regarding each of the following:

Bless day or Bless Wine
Wash before or after pour cup
Where put napkin?
Which first: Sweep or Mayim Achronim
What is order of Havdalla
What is Bracha on fire
What if forgot to bentch
Wine brought after meal, before bentching

Beis Hillel

Beis Shammai

613.  When would one say Amen after a ישראל but not a כותי?

614.  When would one say Amen for both?
615.  Why in the ברייתא do Beis Hillel say “דבר אחר?

616.  _________  _________ תדיר ושאינו תדיר
617.  How do we know that we hold like Beis Hillel?

דף נב
618.  Why then does the ברייתא have to say “הלכה כדברי בית הלל?

Extra Credit: How do we know that R' Yehoshua doesn't hold of בת קול's?
619.  The gemara brings a ברייתא which say that ברכת היום is not עדיפה- how does the gemara know that that ברייתא is Beis Shammai? Why can't it be...
       a. Beis Hillel?
       b. R' Meir?

620.  Answer the סתירה?

621.  How could one use the same cup of wine for Kiddush, for bentching?

622.  'Aye' isn't that פגום?

623.  'Aye' but then the cup won't have the right amount?
624.  'Aye' but I thought there was only one cup?
625.  Why would we wash before pouring the wine (making kiddush)

626.  T F or M: Unwashed hands are at most a sheini L'tumah?
627.  __________ אין שני עושה שלישי ב__________ אלא על יד
628.  T F or M: A כלי could be מטמא a person?
629.  What is the Nekudas Hamachlokes between Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel regarding using a כלי whose outside of it touched tumah through a liquid?

630.  מאי "דבר אחר"ץ

631.  T F or M: __________  ________ אסור להשתמש בשמש
632.  בורא means...   a. Created      b. To Create      c. Will Create ?

633.  T F or M: Fire has many colors of light to it which is why we say מאורי האש?
634.  What is there an איסור to get הנאה from smelling?
דף נג
635.  We only make a bracha on a fire which __________________________________ on Shabbos.
636.  Why is fire from a goy – mutar ; but from goy to goy – assur?

637.  Explain the distinction the Gemara makes a couple of times by big fires in ovens of
הא בתחילה, הא בסוףregarding making a bracha on it?

638.  Answer the סתירה in ברייתאs regarding if could make a bracha on a fire lit in a shul (3)?

639.  __________  __________  ברוב עם
640.  Who says it and when does he say it?

641.  What type of fires do we not make a bracha on?

642.  Who burned incense for כישוף?
643.  What are two cases where it is possible to see a flame but not able to use its light?

644.  What are גחלים לוחשים?  How do you test to see if they are?

645.  אוממות או עוממות?
646.  How much light do you need to get to be considered הנאה to make the bracha?

647.  If you left your wallet in the top of the “Ed-Building”, would you go back to get it?

648.  When do you have to go back to the place you ate, to bentch?

649.  Why did Rabbah Bar Bar Channah say specifically that he left a golden dove?

650.  How long after the meal could you still bentch

651.  _______________ גדול העונה אמן יותר מן
652.  Do we say אמן after the bracha of a קטן?
653.  והתקדשתם=
 והייתם קדושים=
       כי קדוש=
           אני ה' אלקיכם=
9th Perek
דף נד
654.  ________  ________ והצועק לשעבר הרי זו
655.  How do you know that one must bless HaShem for the bad just like for the good?

656.  Is one obligated to make a bracha when in a place where a miracle occurred to him? _________
657.  When would one make a bracha in a place where a miracle occurred, but not to him? ________
658.  Give an example of a place where a miracle happened to the רבים?
659.  What type of necklace did עוג wear? How did he get it?

660.  How high was עוג's ankle? Prove it.
661.  Prove that the walls of Yericho got swallowed in the ground even though the Passuk tells us that they fell?
662.  Who are the four types of people who must give הודאה?

Extra Credit: Why is the order listed differently in the Gemara than in the Passuk in Tehillim?

663.  How many people must be present when make the Bracha of הגומל?
664.  Could one who is required to bentch הגומל be יוצא the הודאה just by saying Amen after someone else who says to him, “Baruch HaShem that you were saved...etc...”? How do you know?

665.  Who needs protection?
666.  What are three things which if מאריך then one's days will be longer?
דף נה
667.  Explain each of the above?

668.  What are three things which shorten the days and years of man?

669.  Who was the first of the שבטים to die? Why?

670.  Go to the #639
671.  __________ , __________ , __________ שלשה צריכים  רחמים
672.  How do you know not to appoint a leader on the Tzibbur unless one asks the Tzibbur first?

673.  What does בצלאל mean?
674.  Which did he build first the כלים or the משכן? Why?
675.  Translate:
________חלמא_______ דלא______ מפשר_______ כאגרתא_______ דלא________מקריא
676.  How is a bad dream better than a good dream?
677.  Do blind people have dreams?
678.  How long will a person wait for a good dream to to be fulfilled?
679.  What types of dreams did Dovid HaMelech have?

680.  Whoever sleeps______nights without a dream is _______ נקרא
681.  Three אמוראים sat together to each say a unique מימראwhat were the three things?

682.  What did Shmuel do/say when he had a bad dream?

683.  ______ ______ כל החלמות הולכים but only if_____________________________________
684.  What if get more than one interpretation for a dream?
685.  Which three types of dreams does R' Yochanan say are bound to be מתקיימין?

686.  When would a person dream about an elephant entering through the eye of a needle?

דף נו
687.  How did ר יהושע ברבי חנניא know what the קיסר would dream at night?

688.  Who was בר הדיא? What were three dreams he interpreted for Abaye and Rava?

689.  Why didn't בר הדיא feel comfortable being on the same boat as Rava?

690.  What was written in בר הדיא's book?
691.  How did בר הדיא die?
692.  Which three dreams symbolize peace?

693.  What is shown in a dream only to למי שהוא ירא שמים בכל כחו?
694.  What does a dream about an ox mean? [Hint: It depends on five different things]

דף נז
695.  Is it good to see an elephant in a dream?
696.  List seven good things to see in a dream, other than the ones already mentioned?

697.  What is a נבואה קטנה?
698.  Which three kings appear in dreams and what do they each symbolize?

699.  Which three ספרי נביאים appear in dreams and what do they each symbolize?

700.  Which three ספרי כתובים appear in dreams and what do they each symbolize?

701.  Which four ספרי כתובים קטנים appear in dreams and what do they each symbolize?

702.  Which three חכמים appear in dreams and what do they each symbolize?

703.  Which three תלמידי חכמים appear in dreams and what do they each symbolize?

704.  List three bad things to see in a dream?

705.  What three things calm a person's mind?

706.  List five things which are 1/60th of something else?

707.  Why are cucumbers called קשואים?

דף נח
708.  _________ _________אין אוכלוסא פחותה
709.  Who was a “broken jug”and when did he know that the king was coming?

710.  לך ה' הגדולה=                                                   
 והגבורה =
  כי כל בשמים והארץ=
   לך ה' הממלכה=
   לכל ראש=
711.  T F or M: A sigh breaks half a person's body?
712.  Why did Rav Chisda sigh?
713.  What does a person say if he sees a friend after thirty days?_____what about after a year?_____
714.  How long does it take for a person to forget the death of a friend?________________________
715.  List three types of people we say a משנה הבריות on?

716.  List three types of people we say a ברוך דיין האמת on?

717.  What is זיקין?
718.  כימה is( hot  /  cold ) whereas פסיל is ( hot  / cold  )
דף נט
719.  Did the galaxy in space change at all by the מבול?
720.  Why didn't HaShem put the same stars back to כימה?
721.  Why didn't HaShem create more stars?
722.  מאי זועות?
723.  What causes earthquakes? (2)

724.  What causes thunder (4)? And which answer does the Gemara say is מסתברא?

725.  Could there be a hurricane or a tornado at night?
726.  Why did the רבנן abolish the custom of bowing down upon seeing a rainbow?

727.  Why is the Tigris river (דגלת) called חדקל?

דף ס
728.  T F or M: Always make a שהחיינו on a new piece of clothing and on a new house?
729.  How could Leah daven that her child would be a girl if we do not daven for things after the outcome has already been determined?

730.  How many people would use the bathhouse at a time?
731.  What דרשה is there in the Torah that tells us that we could go to doctors?

732.  Matching:
1)      Hear roosters crow                        a. המכין מצעדי גבר
2)      Open eyes                                     b. זוקף כפופים
3)      Straighten and sit up                     c. מתיר אסורים
4)      Get dressed                                   d. רוקע הארץ על המים
5)      Stand                                             e. שעשה לי כל צרכי
6)      נחית לארעא                          f. אוזר ישראל בגבורה
7)      Walk                                              g. המעביר חבלי שינה
8)      Put shoes on                                  h. עוטר ישראל בתפארה
9)      Put on belt                                     is.פוקח עורים
10)  Put on hat                                      j. לשכוי בינה
11)  Wash face                          k. מלביש ערומים

733.  ________  _______ כל דעביד רחמנא
דף סא
734.  According to the הוא אמינא of the Gemara, what do we learn fromוייצר?

735.  Refute #702

736.  Who arranged the חתנה of אדם הראשון?
737.  T F or M: “Ladies first”?
738.  The yetzer hara is similar to a:
a. alligator ; b. bee ; c. camel; d. donkey ; e. elephant ; f. fly ; g. giraffe ; h. hippo ; is.. iguana
739.   If the Tzadikkim are ruled by yetzer tov and Reshaim by the yetzer hara, then who rules over the בינונים?
740.  Does everyone like their body more than money? How do you know?
741.  How are Jews similar to fish swimming in water?

742.  How did R' Akiva die? What did he teach his Talmiddim as he was dying?

743.  Circle the correct directions:
        Tana Kama-     הנפנה ביהודה:  N    S    E    W
                                 הנפנה בגליל:    N   S    E    W
        R' Yose-
        Chachamim- (explain the difference between chachamim and Tana Kama)-

        R' Akiva- (explain the difference between R' Akiva and Tana Kama)-

דף סב
744.  מפני מה אין מקנחין בימין אלא בשמאל? (o4)

745.  One who is a צנוע in the bathroom is saved from which 3 (4) things?

746.  __________ had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb...
747.  Why not a goat?
748.  When is (are) the best time(s) to go to the bathroom?
749.  When is it Mutar to use a shul as a shortcut (3)?

750.  What connection is there between spit and a shoe?

   Extra Credit: What's another one?
דף סג
751.  Did the people answer “Amen” in the Beis Hamikdash?
752.  Explain עת לעשות לה'ב?
753.  When does the Passuk of: יש מפזר ונוסף עוד apply?

754.  What is the source in the Torah that sometimes what we think is“Emes is sheker, and what we think is “sheker” is in fact emes?

755.  Which occupation is נקיה וקלה?__________________
756.  From where do we learn not to put an אפטרופוס over one's house?
757.  Why is נזיר next to סוטה?
758.  Why is סוטה next to תרומה ומעשר?
759.  Why was R' Chanina threatened with נידוי?
760.  _______ _______ _______ _______חכם שלמא
761.  Who did it not apply to and why?
762.  From where do you know that every day someone learns Torah it is as חביב as when received from Har Sinai?

763.  How do you know that it is necessary to learn Torah with חבוראs?

764.  Explain the Passuk of ומיץ אף יוציא דם?

765.  What is more complicated דיני ממנות or דיני נפשות?
766.  What was the Bracha of עובד אדום?
767.  __________  __________ כל דוחקת את השעה
        __________   __________   __________ וכל הנדחה מפני השעה
768.  Who comes first: סיני or עוקר הרים?
769.  What did the כלדאי tell Rav Yosef?
770.  How do you know the usually someone of high position calls doctors to his house instead of going to the doctor?
771.  From where do you know that the בעל הקורה should carry the thickest part of the beam?

772.  Circle the correct one: לך בשלום  /  לך לשלום?

773.  One who leaves shul and goes straight to the Beis HaMedrash is zocheh to ________________.
774.  What do we learn from אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך?

הדרן עלך מסכת ברכות

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